Come be a part of the Manners Camp! We will be learning about The Golden Rule, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Speaking Skills, Table Manners and much, much more. The kids will come home reminding YOU to keep your elbows off of the table. And just wait until they learn the Interrupting Rule – I promise you will thank us! We will have a fabulous time singing with Judy the Manners Lady, playing games, making crafts and learning proper table skills.
Camp Directors:
Betsy Mitchell and Caroline Manning (Brennen Teachers)
3 years – 5th Grade
June 19-21
This year we are offering 2 sessions of camp to accommodate more age groups for our manners camp.
M – W, 9 AM – 12 noon (3 years – Rising 1st Grade)
M – W, 1 PM – 4:00 PM (Rising 2nd – 5th Grade)
First Baptist Church Children’s Center
Registration Deadline:
June 11
More Info:
Preschool Link:
Grade School Link:
Registration Deadline:
June 11, 2017 (Price increases to $70/child after deadline)